Sunday, August 31, 2003


heY dEAr daIRY~! i aM reaLLI haPPy tOdaY.. reaLLI nEveR bEEN so hapPY LE... i finaLLY admITted tO everYONE eVEn to pEArly.. thOU i tOT pEArlY wiLL reaLLI slAughTEr mE oFF~! bUT i fINAlly gOT hER coNsenT~!!!! nOW deN I noE IT iS reaLLI dIfFercuLT tO fiND a tRUe frez... i wAs reALLi toUch aT tAt mOmeNt.. reALLI reALLI.... i reaLLI duNNO TAt wiLL bE thE resuLt... pearLY no mAtter u aRE thE LASt tO noe OR thE fiRSt to nOE.. bUT u reALLI thE oNlY one Tat i reALLI wan to get uR cONseNt fROM.. cOZ ur cONsenT iS the moSt iMPortaNT oF aLL... mAYbe u laTEr thINK thINK stiLL wiLL bE mAD bUT i ReaLLI reaLLI lOVE u deN anYone elSe~!!!!!! u ReaLLI mAtuRE lE.. iS u oWnseLF sAY wan arh.. ahAHa reALLI reaLLI i aM reALLI veRI gaLD i gOT tAt reacTioN fROM u~!! thaNx alOT alOT ~!!!

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 31, 2003|


If I could put into words how my heart feels when I see you, or when I think of you, I would be talking forever.
Loving someone takes courage: fearing it could end at any moment and yet having faith it will last forever.
I love you unconditionally, with everything I am, and more than anyone ever thought possible.
When I am with you, I wish I could stop time so I could spend forever with you and never have to leave your company.
The worst thing you could do right now is tell me that I can find someone better then you ... when you're all I want.
Loving someone is completely different from being in love with someone. If there�s love in your life, then there is your sense of purpose. Head and heart are indisputably connected.

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 31, 2003|


gOOd moRniNg dEAr diARY~! haHA yTd NITE mI dIDn't geT to sEE thE shoW fINiSH cOZ MY dAd suDDEnLY waKE up den I sCaRE dEN ruN inTO thE rOOM lE.. hOHo... lAteR goIng sEngkAng lOr.. heY pPL duN anYhoW thiNK k.. i goING mY UNclE hSE.. hAHahah hAIz mI wAKE up sO eaRLY.. hAHA yTd mE veRY nOttI bLUff mY pARenT sO caN lAte go hoMe.. hAZI yVonNE iS a nOTti gaL.. bUT nEVer mINd i neVEr regreT.. dEn iSh lIke yTd i gO hoME i so ScAre cOZ i supPose 8+ gO hOMe dEN In thE enD 1010 deN reAch hoMe.. hAHAha bUT lUckiLY nevEr.. haHA ytd nEveR stUDy coZ thE eSplANade lA caNNOT stuDY.. nExt tiME duN go thERE lE.. .wAStE My tIME~!!! i mean tHE LIbRArY oNLY la.. dEN thE moviE wE waTcH ytd oSO veRY nICE... piraTe iN CArriBEan.. hAHAHaa pPL mUz gO waTch Tat oNE k... hAHa i like AdvERtiSing lIke TAt.....~!! hAiZ siAN~!!!! goIng oFF le... bYEEeeee

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 31, 2003|


Thursday, August 28, 2003


hEY dEar diArY~! hAHA toDAY mE sUFFer fROM IndiGestiON AGAIN~!!! sO fEd up ritE! mE agAIN.. sOBsOB.. hAHA whEN sEraGoON gArdEn wiTH kRYsteL aND lIz .. hAHA fiNAlly PEI lIZ EAt HER hOKKIen Mee if nOT thINK she wiLL naG tiLL duNNO whICH cENTurY.. hahA lUcKY sHE dUN haVE mY blOG iF not i Sure dIE by noW.. haHAhaa dEN iSH like wE ORdEr hOKkIen MEE aND CArROt cAKE lA dEN we sHarE lor.. dEN suDDENly I reaLISe mY pARtneR so cARefuL witH hER stuFF wAN siA .. sHE duN leAve hER baG unAttendEd waN siA.. haHA dEN aftERtaT we weNt tO cOffEe bEAn lOr... .aNd See sOMebOdy lO.. hAHa bUT coZ mE suFFered fROM iNdigeStiON deN ish Like caNNOt drINK cOFFEE! sO idIOTIc.. hAHA tAT gAreTH eVEn MORE fuNNIer gOT oNe tIMe HE acT tiLL so PrO lIKE hE reaLLI drIVE tHE cAR den sOMEmOre seAt ON thE drIVer sEat tiLL so hAPPY deN all oF uS wAs reALLI suRpRISe~! dEN iN The eND iS the frEz drIVe dEN he gOT to gET oUT.. is LikE wAD A lAughing stOcK.. hAHAhahaHA. .dEN aLL Of uS wAS lIke lAUghIn oUt lOud.. hAHA lUCky thE cOFFee bEAN nOT mUCH pPL siA iF not reaLLI xiA swAY oUrselVEs... =)

[ V O N ] |Thursday, August 28, 2003|


There is only one thing in the world that can compare to how much I care for you, and that is the endless universe, and even that is still short of comparison.
Some people say that becase I hold onto you so tightly I may lose you, but they don't realise that because I can't do without you, that I am afraid of losing you is why I hold onto you so tightly.
Love, to me, was when two people loved each other, would die for them, kill for them, put everything on the line for them, and be together through anything the world threw at them.
These are the moments, I thank God that I'm alive. These are the moments I'll remember all my life ... I have all I've waited for, and I could not ask for more.
When I'm with you all my fears disappear. So, I guess if you're wondering what my biggest fear is, it would be losing you.
In my heart there will always be a place for you ... it will never change. I'll keep you with me forever. Wherever I am ... there you are.
When you meet that special someone you'll understand why it didn't work out with anyone else.

[ V O N ] |Thursday, August 28, 2003|


Wednesday, August 27, 2003


I've learned in life you need two things: a true love and a best friend. I'm lucky to have both, ever since I've been with you.
Being with you breaks all the rules, but being without you breaks my heart.
Words are just not enough to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I need you by my side, all my life. You have touched my life in ways others can't even think of.
I shall take your sorrows and give you my joys. Don't ever leave me, I can't live without you. You are dearer to me then my life, this much you must know, My Love.
This thing called love that burns with such passion in my heart every time we are apart. This thing called love that has echoed like a song for oh so long. This thing called love that I need to share every time you are there.
I have given you my heart and opened my soul. It is given to you with all of my love. Treat it well as it is easily broken.

[ V O N ] |Wednesday, August 27, 2003|


iF toMorRow stArts wiThOUt mE, doN't thiNK wE aRe fAR apArt..fOR evERytIMe u think oF mE, i'M riGht iN uR hEArt!

[ V O N ] |Wednesday, August 27, 2003|


bOO~! dEar diARy~! hAHa toDAy ME stOmacH stiLL abIt weIRd bUT thiNK iS bEtTEr deN thE pASt fEw daYs.. today thE mOOD quiTe OK lOr.. hAHA lAteR mE prEParE gO thE tHE plAnEt mARS~! hEHe veRI excITeD le.. haIz thiNK exaM liKE drawiN nEar Le... thInk gOnNA feEL thE sTReSSnEsS sOOn.. hAHa toDay fINALLy PASs mY fiRSt terM 3 tESt.. buT WAd i am verY saD iS tAT mY stoMAch ThE digEstiVe syStem likE weiRd weIRd WAN leH.... HAha boUghT thE souR pLuM fOR aLL thE xiAO gUA~! hAHA aND joYCe that liON shIT haHA i reaLLI duNNO whIch tyPe lEH.. buT i gO buY la.. hAHa hoPE is the RIghT waN.. mAYbe i pUt oNe pOlICy.. mUz pAy dEN try... haHA... bLEah.. sHhhHhh duN teLL anYoNe woR.. KEKekeKe

[ V O N ] |Wednesday, August 27, 2003|


Tuesday, August 26, 2003


When you tell me you just want to hold on to me forever, I just melt, and pray for that day to start!
The distance between us is only as far apart as our hearts will let it be. So, to me there is no distance, for we share each others' hearts, from mine to yours and from yours to mine.
People search their whole lives for one moment of what we share when we're together.
You are everything I never knew I always wanted.
Love is like magic...
The more u hide it, the more u show...
The more u suppress it, the more it grows...
Love u yesterday, love u still...
Always have, always will...
You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.
When I miss you, I don't have to go far ... I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find you.
Now I have a reason to wake up everyday and smile, because I know there is someone like you. You're my hopes, my dreams, and my happiness; without you, Baby, there is no me.
Have you ever loved someone so much that it pysically hurts? Your chest gets tight and it's hard to breathe. You crave them, long to be near them, and you would walk a thousand miles just to hear their voice and feel their touch.
Love the moment you're in with someone special, before the fireworks are through.
If you love me like you say then don't take my heart, just take my breath away!
I just want to hold you close but so far, all I have are dreams of us being together.
You are my first romance and I'm willing to take a chance; until life is through, I'll still be loving you. I will be true to you, just a promise from you will do. From the very start, please be careful with my heart.
I won't forget the day we met or the day we kissed. The sky may fall and the stars may too, but in the end, I will still love you ...
Love is true when you think of him and you smile so big that people look at you and wonder who could possibly make you this happy.
You know you're in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye.
No matter what I do, I will always love you. No matter what you do, again, I will always love you.
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
When you look into my eyes, all I see is you. When you get inside my mind, all I know is you, and when you look into my heart, all I want is you.
The only love I know, is the love we shared, the love you showed me; a love I never knew until you came into my life ... that I know is real.

[ V O N ] |Tuesday, August 26, 2003|


I want to go to sleep at night, wake up every day, and breathe knowing you are truly mine.
Let these words not only touch your eyes, let it travel through your soul, and let it rest in your heart, as you rest in mine, 'I love you.
You are mine. There's no other one for me. Keep in mind, you make my life complete.
There are a hundred reasons why I should give up, but you're the one reason I keep going.
If it's wrong to love you then my heart just won't let me be right.
When you're too scared to look ahead and you're too hurt to look behind, look beside you... I'll be right there. So, take my hand and don't let go. I'm also scared but I'll never let you go.
Don't ask the sun to keep shining, it can't; the clouds exist. Don't ask the leaves to stop falling, They can't help it; the wind exists. Don't ask me to stop loving you, how can I; you exist.
I don't believe in long distance love; if you love someone, he is always right there, within your heart.
Darkness isn't the absence of light... it's the absence of you.
iF toMorRow stArts wiThOUt mE, doN't thiNK wE aRe fAR apArt..fOR evERytIMe u think oF mE, i'M riGht iN uR hEArt!
It's not about how he made you cry, it's about how he made you smile again.
I will love you for the rest of my days, and will love you beyond the world as we know it. Beyond forever, beyond always. Loving you is what I was put here to do.
I wouldn't know what to do if I'd lost you. I wouldn't know what to say if the day comes when you go away. Tears would fall and my heart would break, but loving you would never be my mistake.
Each day I spend with you is rewarded by special memories. Things that we do together complete our daily thoughts, for without you there is no bright, sun shining day.

[ V O N ] |Tuesday, August 26, 2003|


There are some magical people in this world; they have the power to touch lives in unique ways. That's why I just wanted you to know that in my life, you are amazingly, one magical person I'm glad I've known.
Not only are you my best friend, you are my life, my thoughts and my dreams.
Sunsets are most beautiful when you watch them with someone you love, and yet they are the saddest scenery created by God when you watch it alone.
How can it be that I want nothing and yet everything at the same time? Maybe it's because I want nothing but you, and you are everything.
A daily thought... A silent tear...
A constant wish, that you were near...
Words are few, but thought are deep...
memories of you, I will always keep...
I am never alone with you in my heart.
If a hug from me conveys to you how much I love you, then I wish to hold you in my arms for ever and ever.

[ V O N ] |Tuesday, August 26, 2003|


deaR diaRY~! hEHE toDYa neVer gO scHOOL cOZ dUNNo suFferINg frOm wAd iLLnESs oSO.. hAHa actuALLY i abiT scAre lEH.. coZ liKE thE pREliMs IS cOMing soON anD i stILL slAckINg.. hoW? soBsOB thINK mY pA goNNA kiLL mE lE... hAIz... aND thE bESt thiNG iS tat duNNO whY yTd Tat evON wiLL noE i aM siCk lO.. wEIrd riTE? hAHAha..but yTd i sEe hER mSg i oSO liKE no ReactiON cOZ i wan To diE le.. hAHAhaa.. anYway thiNK shE veRY nIce hOR.. hAHa < thINK shE sEe tiS mSg nOW suRE hEAd veRY big lE> hAHA bUT seriOUslY iS nOT gOOD tO stAY AT hoME~ cOZ iSH liKE reaLLi wiLL mISs aLOT oF thiNGs iN sch eSP iS a criTicAL mOmENt noW... HahA sudDenLY i sO seriOUS siA.. heHEhhee

[ V O N ] |Tuesday, August 26, 2003|


Sunday, August 24, 2003


The kisses you put on my forehead when you thought I was off dreaming in a sleep, those are the ones that mean the most, for you did it because you wanted to, not because you felt you had to.
If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever. I asked the sky just what we had, It showed forever. If the song I sang to you filled your heart with joy, I'd sing forever.
You take away my breath and my sense of seems to stop when I'm with you...
Last night, they were doing a headcount of all the angels in heaven. There was one big problem, the sweetest angel was missing! Please let them know you're ok.
One day you'll ask me what's more important, my life or yours. And I'll answer... my life... and you'll walk away without ever knowing that, you are my life..
If I were an angel I'd make your every wish come true, but I'm just human, just a girl who's loving you.
Guess what I wanna do, I want to find a special place that I only share with you. I wanna watch the sunset in our special place and count the stars that shine upon your face.
You are not alone; I am here with you. You will always be in my heart forever until the end of time.

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 24, 2003|


I could say that you complete me...but that would be a lie, because every morning when I wake I long for you more than the day before.
I'll never know if it is truly possible for me to stop thinking about you because I'll never try.
My biggerst fear is that one day we will pass each other on the streets and have an artifical conversation.
Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with you in the first place, and continue to love you after all the pain. And then you smile at me, and I realize why; without you, I can't breath.
You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours.
Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you. On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you.
Could we stay right here 'til the end of time, 'til the earth stops turning? I'm gonna love you 'til the seas run dry, I've found the one I've waited for.
I would trade ten thousand tomorrows for just one single yesterday.
If ever I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most.
Sometimes I miss you so much, I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you!
Not being able to hold you has got to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I get to look forward to the next time you are in my arms; your smile only inches away from mine getting closer and closer until at last... our smiles meet. Something that beautiful... that's what keeps me going.
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you will catch me whenever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all.

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 24, 2003|


Look into my heart and see what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth and the truth is I love you.
I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else.
The smallest word I know is 'I', the sweetest word I know is 'love', and the only thing that will remind me of that will be 'you'.
I love the way you hold me in your arms when I am drifting asleep. I love the way you gently tuck my hair when you think I do not notice. I love the way you give me butterfly kisses so that it wouldn't disturb my sleep. Most of all, I love the way I feel secure and loved in your arms.
If I had to count the reasons why I love you and why I'm so in love with you...I'd have to count forever.
If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you.
Love is a feeling, a feeling of happiness. Love is powerful, too powerful to play with. This feeling is strange and hard to describe, but when you fall in love, you will know it inside.

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 24, 2003|


Friday, August 22, 2003


Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy. It is often filled with anger and tears. It is when you want to be together despite it all. That is when you are truly in love.
I may have cried a million times since we haven't been together, but all the times you made me smile is what will remain in my heart forever.
When you would die for that special someone, that's when you know that you are in love.
If you told me you loved me, I could deal with that. If you told me you were walking away, I could deal with that. But, I cannot deal if you tell me you love me but you are walking away.
If distance were measured in terms of the heart we'd never be more than a minute apart.

[ V O N ] |Friday, August 22, 2003|


Tuesday, August 19, 2003


hey dEar dAIry.. hEHe jUZ baCK frOm scHooL.. TAt stuPId pEARl la.. fOrce uS to stAY IN schOOL~!!! iDiot waN lor.. mAKE kRysteL so fEd up anD lIke nEArLY PIssed oFF.. haHA deN isH likE sHE verY smARt waN leH.. sHe iN fRont oF uS aCt sO niCe bEhiND kEEp cOMplAIniNG us.. sUCh PPl iS dEN caLL hYpOcriTE lor... HAhahaa... hAIz mE daMN siAN sIA... mY dad gO oVErsEA le cANNOt stEal hIS pHone And mSg.. whAHahahHAaha.. den Ish Like i liKE nOW hAviNG cONflICt wITh joYCe lor.. sHE liKE suDDenLY jUZ buRSt OFF likE taT.. isH liKE say wad I alWAys excLUde heR.. iSH liKE siNce whEN i GOt kEEp hER sEcREt frOM her? dEN taT ciNDy stiLL likE batHIng hAPPiLy now.. aND i lIke quARRelling wITh heR tiLL so jIAleT~!!!!aRhhHHHh... mE sO kELiaN.... tOday dUn nEEd ORh ORh loE..hAHahaAa i veRy siAn... hAHa buT duNNO whY i stILL so hAPPy.. of cOZ noT haPPy coZ i quaRREl wiTH her la.. buT is aNOthER thiNG lo... hahA actuaLLy i oSo duNNO mY oRAl gOOd anoT .. hEHEHHEeee

[ V O N ] |Tuesday, August 19, 2003|


Monday, August 18, 2003


The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you.
Love is not finding someone to live with, It's finding someone you can't live without.

[ V O N ] |Monday, August 18, 2003|


hEY diARY~! mY stUPId cOM aUTomAticaLLy REstArt~! hAI mE nEEd tO retyPE agAIN.. hAHA nVM.. i am Very forgIVINg wAN.. hAHha u noe wAd acTuaLLy i veRY hAPPy cOME scHOOL wAN le.. dEn isH liKE sOMEthINg bAd hAPPEn... tODay I goT a bAD stOMacHachE duRIng eNglISh oRaL lor.. sO swAY riTE? can U iMAgINE mY oRal alReaDY liKE caNNOt mAKE iT dEN stiLL stOmaCHacHe.. dEN isH likE supPose TO gO hEArtLAnd maLL wiTH cinDy aND joYce waN deN in thE eND thE paIN waS sO bAD tAT i NEed tO get A cAb hOMe... soBSoB~! den Ish rEALLy likE a nIghtmAre lo.. tiLL noW dEn I recoVEr cAN u beLIEve it? frOM juz now tiLL noW i like kEEP hAviNG stOMachAchE anD dIGGy.. anD mOSt oF ALL vOmiTTed duNNO how mAny tiMEs lOr.. hAI mi stiLL teLL gOd iT he waN taKE mY life deN juZ takE duN tortURe me~! haHAhahaaaa cAN u IMagINE i sO despERaTe~!

[ V O N ] |Monday, August 18, 2003|


Sunday, August 17, 2003


peRhaPs gOODbYE IS a paInfuL waY tO saY ' i lOVe yOU' hAHA u aLL beLIEve thIS? sOMEtiMES i reaLLI beLIEve iT coz is Like sOMetiMES wHEN u NOe TAt Tat persON wiLL be bETteR oFF wiTH anOThER pErsoN u wiLL raTher giVE up tO maKE tAt pERsON hAPPy.. bUT dEN iF iT mE i reaLLy duNNo wAd tO dO oSO heee.. coZ lsh liKE i aLWayS fEEl tAt iF u liKe Tat e PERsoN u shOULD reaLLy gO and gIVe urSElf a chANce.. bUT iF u reaLLI fEEL tAt theRE iS no poINt le den i ratHER gIVe uP.. iT mIght be a pAInfuL STaRt.. bUT mAybe u aRe mUCh BeTTer oFf wiTHOUt a pERsON who wiLL oNLI taKE uR lOVe buT neVEr lOve u IN retURn... eVerythING jUZ taKE tIME~!

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 17, 2003|


heLLO dEAR diArY~! mE toDAy dO mY mAth tiLL wanNA die lE... sO dIffiCULt.. thINk mY brAIN gONNA crAck Le.. hAHa duNNO whaT mY laWyeR doIng WAd NOW.. hAHa aLL mY stupiD iDea sAY waD dUn mSG ONe day dEN sEE hoW.. hAHAHaa ... scULLy Tat nOTTi lAwYEr nEveR go sTUdy deN in the enD gO PLAy hoR~! hAHA nvM gUESs hE wUN sAY thE blOg sO caN saY mOre ... hAHA actUALLy noThINg mUch La.. yTd watCh thE cHAnnEL 8 shOW witH hIm LOr dEn ish likE u aLL duN thINK Y Y k.. iS smS hOr.. YA deN i eaT snAKe fOR a whiLE dEN mUst go stUDy agAIN.. pRelIm IN 3 WeekS tiMe.. tHINK i begINnINg to feEL sTreSS le.. hAHAHa... aNd toK to My kOR yTd tHINk hE iS hAvIN a gREat tiME oVer thERe... =)

[ V O N ] |Sunday, August 17, 2003|


Saturday, August 16, 2003


haha hello dear diary~! haha today weNt heartland to study with char and cindy lor.. haha cIndy i noE ur sEcREt~! hOHO~!!! haha but guess my dad was quite angry with mi ytd nite.. haha me la so notti pon music lesson den he today dun wan tok to me... soBsOb... haha tok to my kor today nan de he will say he miss me sia... hoHO actually i wana go watch movie de.. but noboby pei me~!! sobSOb

[ V O N ] |Saturday, August 16, 2003|


Wednesday, August 13, 2003


dEAR diARy~! i'M bacK~! tODAY gOT baCK MY chIneSE rEsuLT le.... yuP gOT aN a1.. aCtuALLy wAS qUITe suRprISEd... sUPPosELY thINK gOT an b3 den hAPPy le... wAs reALLI suRprISe... haHA... bUt deN oN thE oTHeR hANd OSO nOT tAT hAPPy... cOZ isH liKe caN't feEL haPPy wHEN sO PPL aRd u is sAd.. SO isH liKE quiTE bALaNcE Lor.. yUP.

[ V O N ] |Wednesday, August 13, 2003|




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